Embracing Purpose for the New Year: Lessons from Jesus' Youth


Sunday - 9:30AM Bible study, 10:45AM Worship Service | Wednesday Refuel- 6PM

by: Chad Greer




As we celebrate the coming of Christ, it's essential to remember that He will return again as King and Lord. This sermon challenges us to reflect on our readiness for His second coming and to ensure we are living with purpose. Let's dive into the story of Jesus as a youth and draw lessons that can guide us into a purposeful new year.

What Was It Like to Raise Jesus?

Imagine the responsibility of Mary and Joseph, raising the Son of God. They observed the Passover every year, teaching Jesus the law and commandments. This year, at 12 years old, Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, leading to a significant lesson for us all.

The Father's Business

Jesus' response to His parents, "Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" (Luke 2:49), highlights His commitment to God's work. This story encourages us to prioritize our relationship with God and be about the Father's business.

Prioritizing God's House  - Jesus' Example

At 12 years old, Jesus prioritized being in God's house, engaging with the teachers, and seeking understanding. This teaches us the importance of being in church, studying the Scriptures, and asking questions to grow in our faith.

Submitting to Authority

Despite His divine nature, Jesus submitted to His earthly parents. This act of humility and obedience is a powerful lesson for us to respect and submit to the authorities in our lives.

Strategies for Spiritual Growth

Daily Time with God

Commit to daily prayer, Bible study, and worship. This isn't just a Sunday activity but a daily walk with God. Reading the Bible regularly, even when it's challenging, will lead to greater understanding and spiritual growth.

Setting Goals and Having a Plan

Consider strategies like highlighting scriptures on specific topics to deepen your understanding. This purposeful approach can make your Bible study more engaging and meaningful.

Life Application

Aligning with God's Mission

To be about the Father's business, we must align our lives with God's mission. This involves prioritizing our relationship with Christ, spending time in prayer, and studying His Word.

Questions for Reflection

1. Are you prioritizing your relationship with God daily?

2. How can you incorporate more intentional Bible study into your routine?

3. Are you submitting to the authorities in your life as Jesus did?

Challenge for the Week

This week, commit to spending at least 15 minutes each day in prayer and Bible study. Reflect on how you can be more intentional about your walk with God and align your life with His mission.


As we move into the new year, let's embrace the purpose God has for us. By prioritizing our relationship with Him, submitting to authority, and being intentional in our spiritual growth, we can live a life that reflects Christ. Remember, Jesus is just a whisper away, ready to guide us on our journey. Let's not miss the second coming by being unprepared. Live with purpose and share the good news with the world around you.

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As we celebrate the coming of Christ, it's essential to remember that He will return again as King and Lord. This sermon challenges us to reflect on our readiness for His second coming and to ensure we are living with purpose. Let's dive into the story of Jesus as a youth and draw lessons that can guide us into a purposeful new year.

What Was It Like to Raise Jesus?

Imagine the responsibility of Mary and Joseph, raising the Son of God. They observed the Passover every year, teaching Jesus the law and commandments. This year, at 12 years old, Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, leading to a significant lesson for us all.

The Father's Business

Jesus' response to His parents, "Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" (Luke 2:49), highlights His commitment to God's work. This story encourages us to prioritize our relationship with God and be about the Father's business.

Prioritizing God's House  - Jesus' Example

At 12 years old, Jesus prioritized being in God's house, engaging with the teachers, and seeking understanding. This teaches us the importance of being in church, studying the Scriptures, and asking questions to grow in our faith.

Submitting to Authority

Despite His divine nature, Jesus submitted to His earthly parents. This act of humility and obedience is a powerful lesson for us to respect and submit to the authorities in our lives.

Strategies for Spiritual Growth

Daily Time with God

Commit to daily prayer, Bible study, and worship. This isn't just a Sunday activity but a daily walk with God. Reading the Bible regularly, even when it's challenging, will lead to greater understanding and spiritual growth.

Setting Goals and Having a Plan

Consider strategies like highlighting scriptures on specific topics to deepen your understanding. This purposeful approach can make your Bible study more engaging and meaningful.

Life Application

Aligning with God's Mission

To be about the Father's business, we must align our lives with God's mission. This involves prioritizing our relationship with Christ, spending time in prayer, and studying His Word.

Questions for Reflection

1. Are you prioritizing your relationship with God daily?

2. How can you incorporate more intentional Bible study into your routine?

3. Are you submitting to the authorities in your life as Jesus did?

Challenge for the Week

This week, commit to spending at least 15 minutes each day in prayer and Bible study. Reflect on how you can be more intentional about your walk with God and align your life with His mission.


As we move into the new year, let's embrace the purpose God has for us. By prioritizing our relationship with Him, submitting to authority, and being intentional in our spiritual growth, we can live a life that reflects Christ. Remember, Jesus is just a whisper away, ready to guide us on our journey. Let's not miss the second coming by being unprepared. Live with purpose and share the good news with the world around you.

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