Aug. 18, 2024
Understanding the current state of the world, our church, and our personal spiritual condition.
Acknowledge the need for change to be Biblically and Spiritually healthy and faithful.
Context: Nehemiah is the last part of the return after Babylonian captivity. The book of Ezra and Nehemiah go together.
· Zerubbabel – returned to restore the Temple. 538 BC
· Ezra followed to restore Torah and God’s Word. 458 BC (80 years later)
· Nehemiah came to restore the walls. 445 BC (13 years later)
A. The Setting
Location - Modern day Iran
Nehemiah’s position in the Persian court – cup bearer for Artaxerxes.
The arrival of Hanani and his report (v. 2).
B. The Report on Jerusalem
A. Emotional Reaction
Nehemiah’s mourning, fasting, and prayer (v. 4).
B. The Power of Prayer
Nehemiah’s immediate reaction: He turns to God.
A. The Importance of Compassion
Compassion drives us to action.
B. The Role of Prayer in Leadership
Prayer prepares us for action and decision-making.
We are called to respond to the needs around us.
How do we respond to troubling news about our communities or loved ones?
Reflect on our own awareness and concern for the state of the world, the church, and our personal spiritual condition.
Reflection Questions
What issues in our community break your heart like Jerusalem’s condition broke Nehemiah’s?
How can you incorporate Nehemiah’s example of prayer and action into your own life?
In what ways can our church respond to the needs and challenges we see around us?
Final Thoughts
Ask God for a heart like Nehemiah’s: one that is moved to prayer and action.
Seek God’s guidance and strength for the tasks ahead.